OEE Calculator

About OEE

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a metric that an organization uses to improve its manufacturing operations. To fully understand OEE, it is important to understand each of the components: availability, performance, and quality. Availability describes the ratio between the amount of time the equipment operates and manufactures product and the amount of time that the equipment can function and create product. Performance compares the actual speed that the machine operates to the speed that the machine was designed to run. Quality is a comparison of acceptable, first-run units to total units produced. The point of calculating OEE is to help your operation improve. The benefit of OEE is that it establishes benchmarks for success. It divides improvement opportunities into quantifiable categories and provides a measuring mechanism that tracks production improvement.

About 澳门足彩app Analytics and Consulting

If you like the OEE calculator, the 澳门足彩app Analytics and Consulting group can do a more in-depth simulation that takes more machines, accumulation, and variability into consideration. OEE Analysis is just one of the many tools in the 澳门足彩app Analytics and Consulting repertoire. We use cutting edge techniques not only to explore your packaging problems, but also find the solution with the best results. By analyzing line design, labor requirements, material flow, and storage, we deliver the most cost-effective, proven path to success. Visit our Analytics Page to see examples of what we do.

Vice President – Packaging Operations

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